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Non pasa Tèmps que non Revengue !  

sound installation, multi-chanel, 3 speakers, sound card, 2018.
extract - Non pasa Tèmps que non Revengue!
00:00 / 00:00

7 days, Spring 2018, 6 and 7 Rossetti Street, Nice, around noon.

The activity of the neighborhood mixes with the life of the apartments, while mixing with the surrounding sounds of the broadcast space. It is a place of passage, sometimes the cultural pole of 109, but above all the old slaughtherhouses of Nice. Suddenly we let's get back in another space  when the cannon shot announcing  noon since 1860 sounds. This cannon shot was at first to remind Sir Coventry’s wife to cook his lunch. A barking and then the singing of the steeples ensue. The listening device reveals the urban space of that place as to amplify  its sculptural aspect. Quietness back, we go back to our public and  private and societal problems as  well as this other place echoes the 109.

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